π$NSWAP Token
Nulswap Token (NSWAP- NRC-20)
Nulswap has only raised the most necessary funds for Product Development and to help the NSWAP ecosystem grow sustainably, bringing more value to users through our mainstream products.
Name: Nulswap
Symbol: NSWAP
Total supply: 600.000.000 NSWAP
Standard: NRC-20
Decimals: 8
Network: NULS Network
Contract Address: NULSd6HgrzcXdTuGvRF9DmkxoXM8XNmXZs95d
Token Allocation (NSWAP - NRC20)
Initial Liquidity (2%): 12.000.000 NSWAP
Liquidity Mining (57%): 342.000.000 NSWAP
Marketing (5%): 30.000.000 NSWAP
Partnerships (5%): 30.000.000 NSWAP
Team (8%): 48.000.000 NSWAP
IDO / Public Sale (7.5%): 45.000.000 NSWAP
Future Airdrops (3%): 18.000.000 NSWAP
Treasury (12.5%): 75.000.000 NSWAP
NSWAP Market Cap and Release Schedule
Market Cap
Round | Token Price | Token sale | Fully Diluted Market |
IDO / Public Sale | $0.008 | 45.000.000 | $4.800.000 |
Token release schedule
Allocation | Amount | Percentage | Descriptions |
Initial Liquidity | 12.000.000 | 2 | After IDO is complete |
Liquidity Mining | 342.000.000 | 57 | 20% unlock in 1ΒΊ year, then 20% 2ΒΊ year and 17% on 3ΒΊ Year |
Marketing | 30.000.000 | 5 | 3-month cliff, then 1% semestral |
Partnerships | 30.000.000 | 5 | 3-month cliff, then 1% semestral |
Team | 48.000.000 | 8 | 3-month cliff, then 1% semestral |
IDO / Public Sale | 45.000.000 | 7.5 | 20% at TGE, then 40% per month for 2 months |
Future Airdrops | 18.000.000 | 3 | Lock for 3 months |
Treasury | 75.000.000 | 12.5 | Lock for 3 months |
Last updated